Canelés©CanelésRallye Gourmand – EN©Kévin BiettePlaya challenges©Deck of professional sailboat or racing yacht during competition on sunny and windy summer day, moving fast through waves and water, with spinnaker up, and ropes tied around winchRallye en Bateau – ENPlage aiguillon©Plage aiguillon|VACHERON ALAINRallye Vélo de l’Aiguillon – ENCanelés©CanelésRallye Gourmand – EN©Kévin BiettePlaya challenges©Deck of professional sailboat or racing yacht during competition on sunny and windy summer day, moving fast through waves and water, with spinnaker up, and ropes tied around winchRallye en Bateau – ENPlage aiguillon©Plage aiguillon|VACHERON ALAINRallye Vélo de l’Aiguillon – ENCanelés©CanelésRallye Gourmand – EN©Kévin BiettePlaya challenges